Friday, November 16, 2012

The Stories we'll tell

One day, dear friends, one day we’ll be old,

Think about the stories we’ll tell.

Stories of a life that grew better with years as a wine,

Or stories of what we could’ve should’ve and would’ve done.

Stories, Letters, Pictures, videos, songs that stood the test of time,

Or Likes and Praises from strangers of the season.

Stories of going through the tunnel of your fears,

Or of U-turns, excuses and grapes with a sour taste.

Stories of close shaves, just in times and unplanned journeys,

Or of giving in to the society, as aspirations went to waste.

Stories of laughter and tears, victories and failures shared,

Or a review of the world that we saw from the audience seat.

Story of friends and families who found a way to stay together,

Or a tale of how we lost touch, as we got busy being busy.

One day, dear friends, one day we’ll be old,

Think about the stories we’ll tell.

Stories that old friends and grandchildren will listen to bemused,

or ones told to a stranger in the mirror.

Inspired from (and written while listening to ) :

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